We are honored to partner with these missionaries in the furtherance of the Gospel
We believe that the church should engage in global evangelism through the selection and support of mission partners and the education and mobilization of the body of Christ to fulfill the great commission.
Randy & Chris Amberman
Randy and Chris minister with ECC Global Ministries to a community in Fruitland, New Mexico near a Navajo reservation. Through their "Community House" they are able to provides programs, services, Bible studies and counseling.
Rocky & Rachel Bliss
Rachel works with the EFCA's ReachGlobal Marginal Mission Network, which aims to mobilize the church to support marginalized individuals and help them realize their God-given potential.
Waldemar & Anna Bolkowski
Waldemar and Anna work with Friends of Israel in Poland, preaching and teaching in fundamental churches and Bible conferences. They also visit St. Petersburg, Russia, to share the gospel with the Jewish community.
Jon & Linda Craft
The Crafts work with Friends of Israel to engage the Jewish community in Chicago through ESL classes, Jewish holidays, Bible studies, work projects, and support for Holocaust survivors, aiming to show Jewish people life in Jesus the Messiah.
Clay & Christie Elliott
Clay is the Pastoral Ministries Coordinator and Prayer Pastor overseeing prayer teams, counseling missionaries, creating new pastoral ministries, and engaging the public to promote European missions.
Frontier Mission Society
Frontier Mission Society aims to spread the gospel to unreached tribes in Northeast India and nearby countries. It supports indigenous ministries, trains gospel workers in restricted areas, and runs mercy initiatives such as an orphanage.
GlobalFingerprints, the child sponsorship ministry of ReachGlobal, collaborates with national churches to provide education and care for children's physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. Park Hills Church supports three children.
LIFEline Coalition
The LIFEline Coalition exists as a Christ-centered ministry to effectively serve the at-risk pregnant woman and empower her to choose life for her unborn child.
John Mehn
John is a Converge Asia Impact Team Facilitator/Catalyst who is passionate about new churches and cross-cultural missions. He supports Asian leaders in advancing gospel movements among various unreached people groups.
Rob Melville
Rob is the Area Director for Fellowship of Christian Atheletes in Northern Illinois dedicated to engaging, equipping, and empowering coaches and athletes to deepen their relationship with Jesus through sports.
Tibor Miklos
Tibor and Marta serve in Budapest, Hungary with the Bartimeus Foundation, reaching out to the largely unreached Roma gypsy population and providing ministry to the blind and disabled by distributing audio Bibles.
Kirsten Nelson
Kirsten, the Social Media Manager for Ethnos360, engages Gen Z and Gen Alpha with the Great Commission. She utilizes social media, digital marketing, and events to educate the next generation about reaching unreached people groups worldwide.
Roy & Darla Oksnevad
The Oksnevads minister to Muslims in Minnesota's Twin Cities by evangelizing and discipling former Muslims. They also train believers to engage with their Muslim neighbors and mentor EFCA partners to effectively reach the Muslim community.
Rock River Bible Camp
Rock River Bible Camp offers young people a chance to reconnect with God amidst nature. It provides a safe, enjoyable, and faith-based environment for outdoor exploration, friendship-building, and growing closer to Jesus.
Robert & Bettina Schaeffer
Robert is the primary counselor and president of L.I.F.E. ministry in New York, helping individuals find freedom from homosexuality. He also serves part-time as a pastor in St. Clair, PA.
Ryan & Angie Schick
The Schicks work with El Ayudante in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Ryan supports local pastors by organizing training and conferences. Angie serves in the medical clinic as a nurse.
Trevor Schwarze
Trevor serves as a radio planter in the Asia-Pacific. Reach Beyond has a vision of being the voice and hands of Christ, through media and medical work. They primarily work among unreached people groups.
Share International Kenyan National Pastors
This holistic ministry focuses on unreached groups in Kenya, South Sudan, India, and beyond. Indigenous missionaries survey, evangelize, and plant churches in remote areas.
Southeast Asia National Team
These church planters work in Southeast Asia to minister among unreached Muslim people groups. The team members and their families communicate the gospel within the cultural worldview of the local people.
T & R
T & R are serving in Central Asia where their platform of agriculture development allows them to sow seeds among the unreached. God is opening doors in the Islamic world for the gospel to go forth.
Tom Virtue
Tom coaches and mentors campus leaders across the US and is involved with Epic Movement, which aims to engage Asian-American students, the least involved ethnic group with church, through CRU.
Shane Werntz
Shane is a team member for Apex, a student mission organizer for the EFCA. They focus on mobilizing the next generation of gospel influencers, through short term missions, to take the gospel from here to everywhere.