Karl grew up on a farm north of Chicago. After receiving an engineering degree from Iowa State, and an MBS from NIU, and completing an Army commitment in Vietnam, Donna and Karl were married in 1973. He then joined Honeywell and spent his entire working career there—mostly in northern Illinois in factory management. Donna and Karl both grew up in Christian families, and a couple of years after they were married they started attending Park Hills. Shortly after that, they became Park Hills Church members. Karl has previously served on the General Board and Elder Board. They have two married children and six grandchildren. They feel blessed that their children grew up in Park Hills programs from AWANA to youth group. It is their joy that all of their grandkids are now involved in AWANA at their home churches. Karl spends a lot of his free time puttering in the garden and yard, and he is a dedicated walker—although it seems that over time, the distance is getting shorter and the pace slower.
Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm